When your members do things - buy tickets, buy memberships, buy educational courses, those actions are often triggers for other actions within your organization.
When those actions are outside the Novi AMS platform, how do you get Novi to "talk" to the other systems -- like Slack or Microsoft Teams? Zapier offers a way to automate workflows - so that a single action in Novi AMS can trigger specific actions in other systems.
Site Trustee is proud to support Novi AMS clients in setting up Zaps -- the automation workflows you need to get your systems to work as a team. Don't worry if you don't understand the technical side of Zapier. We understand it and can translate your business process into steps that Zapier can understand. We understand Novi AMS too -- we have worked with Novi engineers for several years.
Simple automations (like Slack or Microsoft Teams) start at $350 and include the setup, configuration and documentation of the workflow.
We will want to schedule a complimentary Zoom video call to talk through the workflows you are interested in and what system access we'll require to support you.
To start the process, fill out the form below, then pick a time for our conversation on the form confirmation -- it's always easiest to talk through the workflows -- we will want to document exactly what you are looking for. There is no cost and no obligation for the Zoom video call.
Meet the Lead Geek
Jason Wade
Managing Partner
Jason Wade is a Georgia native whose interest in business started with at the age of 13 (when he started his first business) and in technology in 1981 (with his first computer). Over the years Jason has married his love of business with his passion for technology. The first practical application of this concept happened in 1989 at Gulfstream Aerospace, where as a college co-op student, he was on the team that reviewed paper-based information systems and automated them.
In 1995, Jason shifted his interest to the internet, learning HTML and ColdFusion. For the next six years Jason created multiple websites for businesses. In 2000 Jason was part of a development team taking Ernst and Young’s client-server technology and turning it into a web-based international auditing application.
Jason is an Eagle Scout, an Army veteran, and proud to be the Lead Geek at SiteTrustee.