Do you think you’re ready for a website audit to help you drill down to the problem areas and make improvements? Before you start, it might be helpful to know what you’ll get when you partner with a company to review your website top and bottom. Over the last few weeks we’ve discussed the critical areas of your site, the benefits of comparing to your competition, and the high cost of not doing anything. But what can a site audit really do for you? Let’s take a closer look.
More than 40 Critical Factors
Did you even know there were more than 40 things to consider regarding the effectiveness of your website? A website is an intricate dance between technology, marketing and design. All of those things have to work well together to create a beneficial whole.
You want to take note of the professionalism, first impression, and the overall user experience, including mobile accessibility. You need to assess the digital footprint like the SEO, keyword rankings, meta information, and more. Other aspects include the conversions your website makes from clicks to customers as well as the performance and security of your site. And these are just the tip of the iceberg.
Report on Your Competition
A professional audit from website experts will also include details about your competition, especially things that you might not be able to find on your own. While you can see what other companies in the industry are doing by visiting their websites, you can’t get the detailed information of the other components.
What keywords are they using? How are they ranked through search engines? What added value do they provide prospects through their website. All of these things can be gauged by working with an expert in online website management.
Recommended Changes
No website is perfect. Few websites ever reach perfection, but you can get pretty close with some professional help. However, you need to be ready and able to accept the feedback provided that will support you to make the best changes to improve your site.
A site audit will not only review the things you’re currently doing but can deliver recommendations for things you could be doing better. Armed with that knowledge, you can take your site and your business to the next level.
Priority List for Improved Results
Of course, a lot of information about your site can be overwhelming. The added value to partnering with an expert to conduct an audit is their expertise in determining priorities.
They can help you decide where to start, how to get the most bang for your buck, and the things that will improve the most important aspects of your site right away. Making a list of priorities will break the project up in to manageable chunks so you can feel comfortable with the entire experience.
Do you think a thorough site audit will help your business? Contact the team at SiteTrustee today to learn more.